jueves, 15 de diciembre de 2011

Unit 7 Lesson 3

PAIR WOR. A: Look at that rug. What do you think? B: I think it's great. A: You do? B: Definitely. What about you? A: I'm not sure

Unit 7 Lesson 2

PAIR WORK. A: Do you live an a house or an apartment? B: An apartament. A: What's it like? B: Whell, there are. Two bedrooms and a big kitchen. A: Sounds nice!

Unit 7 Lesson 1

PAIR WORK. A: So what do you do? B: I'm a student. I study at the Nancy's house. A: The house? Where's that? Nancy's house. B: On Second Street. A: And do you like live Nancy? B: Yes. I have an house near the school? A: Yes.

Unit 6 Wrap-Up

1.-Vocabulary This sweater is beautiful. These shoes are red. This jeans are brown. Those pants are blue. 2.-Grammar Do you like this green sweater? Do you like these red shoes? Do you like this jeans? Do you like those pants? 2.-Social lenguage A: Let's go shopping. B: OK. What do you need? A: I need dress and new shoe. B: It's that all? A: Yes, it is. Oh, actually I need Tie too!

Unit 6 Lesson 3

PAIR WORK. A: Let's go shopping. B: OK. What do you need? A: I need dress and new shoe. B: It's that all? A: Yes, it is. Oh, actually I need Tie too!

Unit 6 Lesson 2

PAIR WORK. A: Do you kie the dress. B:Yes do. A: And you like these shoes B: Yes do. Thank you.

Unit 6 Lesson 1

PAIR WORK. A: I like that Sweater. B: Thank you. A: You're welcome

Unit 5 Wraup-Up

1.-A concert, a game, a party and conference. 2.- There's a game on Sunday at May 22 at noon. There's a party at cross from bank. There's a concert JUICE, at Tuesday, May 24 at Gemini Stadium. There a conference on Weekday Books at Friday May 20. 3.- A:What time is the party? B: It's at 9:30 p.m C: Uh-oh Where is the game? D: The game is Sanduy. E: What time is Concert? A: 8:30

Unit 5 Lesson 3

PAIR WORK. A: When's your birth day? B: On May 15th. When's yours? A: My birthday's in February. February 3th.

Unit 5 Lesson 2

PAIR WORK. 1.- A:There's a english movie festival in Tucson Would you like to go? B:Sounds great. What time? A:6:00 p.m B: Ok let's meet at a quarter to six. 2.- A: There's a Weekend Concert- The Tokio Strings Would you like to go? B: Sounds great. What time? A: 3:30 p.m B:OK. Let's a meet at it's twenty after three. 3.- A: There's a Madhur Jaffrey SPEAKS Would you like to go? B: Sounds greet. What time? A: 8:00 p.m B: OK let's a meet at quarter to eight. 4.- A: There's a BASKETBALL GAME- BRAZIL and CANADA Would you like. B: Souns greet. What day? A: Saturday B:OK. Let's meet a thirty eight.

Unit 5 Lesson 1

CONVERSATION. Talk about time. PAIR WORK. A: What time is Music Class? B:2:30 p.m A:Uh-oh. Am I late? B:No, you're not. I´t's twenty Five after two. A:Twenty five? B:That's right. Don't worry. You're on time.

domingo, 13 de noviembre de 2011

U2 - U4 Lesson 1

*Rafael's Edith's father. Cruz's - grandmother. Francisco's - grandfather. Patricia's - husband. Laura's - Sister. Carlos's - brother. Rafael's - Son. *Patricia's Edith's mother. Delia's - grandmother. Adriana's and Maria's - sister Rafael's - wife. Guadalupe's - friends. Amalia's - neighbor. *Delia's Edith's grandmother Delfina's - mother. Efrain's - brother. Adriana's - daugther.

Unit 4 Lesson 3

MODEL. Eric: Tell me about your father. Grace: Well, he's a doctor. He's very tall. Eric: And how about your mother? Grace: She's a lawyer. She's short, and she's very pretty. PAIR WORK. A: Tell me about your sister. B: Well, he's a student. She's very intelligent. A: And how about your Brother? B: He's a Doctor. He's tall.

Unit 4 Lesson 1 - 2

MODEL. Bill: Who's that? Nancy: That's my father. Bill: And who are they. Nancy: They're my sisters, Julie and Trish. PAIR WORK. A: Who's that? B: That' my brother. A: And who are they. B: They're my mother, Maria and sister Perla. Talk about your family. MODEL. Ray: I have one brother and two sisters. Tessa: Really? How old is your brother? Ray: Twenty. Tessa: And your sisters? Ray: Eighteen and twenty - two. PAIR WORK. A: I have one brother. B: Really? How old is your brother? A: fifteen.

Unit 2 Lesson 3

MODEL. Woman: What's your phone number? Man: 523- 6620. Woman: 523- 6620? Man: That's rigth. PAIR WORK. A: Wtha's your e-mail address? B: yessy_aros_20@hotmail.com. A: yessy_aros_20@hotmail.com? B: That's right.

Unit 2 Lesson 2

CONVERSATION. Tell someone your firts and last name. MODEL. Clerk: What´s your last name, please? Mr. Fava: Fava. Clerk: And your first name? Mr. Fava: My first name ? Bob Clerk: Thank you, Mr. Fava. Mr. Fava: You're welcome. PAIR WORK. A: What's your last name, please? B: Medina A: And your firts name? B: My firts name? Daniel. A: Thank you, Mr. Medina. B: You're welcome.

Unit 2 Lesson 1

CONVERSATION. Introduce people. MODEL. Read and listen. David: Tom, this Paula. Paula's my classmate. Tom: Hi, Paula. Paula: Hi, Tom. Nice to meet you. Tom: Nice to meet you, too GROUP WORK. 1.- A: Delia, this is Mary. Mary´s my classmate. B: Hi, Mary C: Hi, Delia. It´s a pleasure to meet you. B: It´s a pleasure to meet you, too. 2.- A: Erika, this is Nancy. Nancy's my neighbor. B: Hi, Nancy C: Hi, Erika. Nice to meet you. B: Nice to meet you, too. 3.- A: Andrea, this is Perla. Perla's my friend. B: Hi, Perla. C: Hi, Andrea. Glad to meet you. B: Glad to meet you, too

domingo, 30 de octubre de 2011

Edith Yessenia Aros Sosa
Calle: Juárez y Durango. Callejón Hidalgo # 17 Colonia: Centro
Tel: (645) 33 2 32 39
Cananea, Sonora
C.P 84620

Maria Ana Melia
Instituto Tecnologico Superior de Cananea
Carretera Cananea - Agua Prieta Km 825
Tel: (645) 33 2 50 17
(645) 33 2 69 92
Cananea, Sonora
C.P 84620

Dear Mrs. Tapia:

He sido informada que hay un vacante en el departamente de ingles el cual es su area y le agradesere me considere ocupar dicha colocacion. Me agradaria mucho trabajar para usted y dicho departamento con el proposito de mejorar lo que se y aprender cosas nuevas en beneficio a las lobores que usted impartira una vez ya seleccionada pues me considero una persona que le importa mucho aprender, puntual y respetuosa.

Ya que he llevado 3 años de curso en la escuela secuandaria y 3 en preparatoria.

Agradesere que me tome en cuenta, a si tambien disculpe por la molestia que le ocasiono. Espero tener una pronta respuesta y reciba usted mi mas coordial saludo de antemano gracias.

Habiendo transcurrido 10 semanas en el semestre 2011 - 2 del nivel 1 de la clase de ingles, sere mas puntual a la hora de clase y al entregar los trabajos que se soliciten y ser responsable.


Edith Yessenia Aros Sosa.

jueves, 27 de octubre de 2011

Unit 3 Lesson 3 Pair work

Conversation. Suggest a means or transportation.
MODEL. Read and listen.
Fumiyo: How do I get to the Metropolitan Museum?
Jeff: Don´t walk. Take the bus.
Fumiyo: The bus?
Jeff: Yes, that´s right.
Fumiyo: Thanks.
Jeff: You´re welcome.

A: How do I get to Cananea Gym?
B: Don´t walk. Take the taxi.
A: The taxi?
B: Yes that´s right.
A: Thanks.
B: You´re welcome.

Unit 3 Lesson 2 Pair work

Conversation. Give and get directions.

MODEL. Read and listen.
Felix: Excuse me. How do I get to the train station?
Susan: The train station? Go one block and turn right.
Felix: Thanks!
Susan: No problem.

A: Excuse me. How do I get to the Bus station?
B: The bus station? Turn right at the corner.
A: Thanks.
B: No problem.

Unit 3 Lesson 1 Pair work

Conversation. Ask about the location of places.

MODEL. Read and listen.
Greg: Excuse me. Is there a bank near here?
Robin: Yes. There´s a bank down the street.

PAIR WORK. Practice the conversation with the map and this guide.
A: Excuse me. Is there Newsstand near here?
B: Yes. There´s a Newsstand.
A: Where?
B: Is from down the street on the left.

martes, 27 de septiembre de 2011

Unit 1 Wrap-up

There music, a doctor, are architec, a pilot, and is wife three ejecutives, and flig attendant

-The music are very happy becuase the music is your favorite hobbie.
-The architec review the work plans
-Doctor thakes the pressure of Mr. And asks if she has a headache.
-Ejecutives greet:
She: Hello
He: Hello
He: It´s a pleasure te meet you
She:I'm Edith
Ejecutives farewell:
He: Good-bye
she: See you tomorrow
-The three Fligt attendant expect. She question departure time the plane.
He: responds at 3:15
She: Fine Thanks you

lunes, 26 de septiembre de 2011

Unit 1 Lesson 3 Pair work

Mr. Bello: Hello. I'm John Bello.
Ms. Quinn: Excuse me?
Mr. Bello: John Bello.
Ms. Quinn: How do you spell that?
Mr Bello: B-E-L-L-O

Yessenia: Hello. I'm Yessenia Aros
Maria:Excuse me?
Yessenia: Yessenia Aros
Maria: How do you spell that?
Yessenia: A-R-O-S

Unit 1 Lesson 2 Pair work

1.- MODEL.
Jake: Excuse me. Are you Marie?
Laura: No, I'm not. I'm Laura. That's Marie.
Jake: Where?
Laura: Rigth over there.
Jake: Thank you.
Laura: You're welcome.

Francias: Excuse me. Are you Adriana?
Edith: No, I'm not. I'm Edith. Thast's Adriana
Francis: Where?
Edith: Right over there.
Francis: Thank you.
Edith: You're welcome.

Unit 1 Lesson 1 Pair work

1.-MODEL. Read and listen.
Man: What do you do?
Woman: I'm an architec. And you?
Man: I'm a banker.

Man: What do you do?
Woman: I'm Edith. And you?
Man: I'm Doctor.

martes, 13 de septiembre de 2011

Like and dislikes

I like see rain....... I don't like see dust
I like eat fruit...... I don't like eat soup
I like listen music and rain...... I don't like listen shouting
I like go field...... I don't like go shop suprema
I like smell wet land...... I don't like smell vinegar
I like touch water...... I don't like touch beef

My good memory is my fifteen years
My bad memory is the death of my uncle

lunes, 12 de septiembre de 2011


Reglas y compromiso del laboratorio de ingles
-Place bookbags on the back shelves
Not allowed :
°Food and drinks
°Bookbags near computer

I commit my self to
°To complete is squares per week
°To take care of computer equipment
°To place the chair back in its place
°To place the headphone on the rigth upper corner
°To write the used computer number and the complete square number after the sign in.

Reglas Institucion.

Articulo 32.- Son obligaciones del Alumno del Instituto:
a) Acatar las disposiciones de los manuales de prosedimientos, normatividad y reglamentos internos establecidos por el Instituto Superior de Cananea.
b) Asistir con regularidad y puntualidad a las actividades que requiere el cumplimiento del plan educativo.
c) Guardar consideración y respeto a las garantias individuales de los funcionarios, empleados y maestros.
d) Hacer buen uso de los edificios, mobileario, material didáctico, equipos, libros y demás bienes del Instituto, coadyuvando a su conservación y limpieza.
e) Identificarse, mediante la presentación de su credencial.
f) Recabar la autorización pertinente ante la autoridad correspondiente en el casa que se requiera hacer uso de un bien del Instituto.
g) Reposición o pago de los bienes destruidos o deteriorados que por negligencia o solo haya ocasionado a los bienes de ITSC.


Lo que yo quiero y espero en este curso de Ingles es aprender lo más que pueda, y asi mismo, llevar una buena relación con mis compañeros pues asi, sera mas facil aprender.

Tambien espero en este primer nivel comprender lo que se habla... No del todo pero si comprender lo que se esta hablando y aprendido en el curso. Escribir las palabras, letras y frases que aprenda ya que se que no es lo mismo como se pronuncian a como se escriben. Leer para asi poder tratar de pronunciar un poco mejor el idioma pues como lo dije anteriormente no es lo mismo como se escribe a su pronunciación en algunos o varios casos.

Vestimenta para una entrevista de trabajo:
En una entrevista de trabajo debes de elegir ropa que sea mas formal y elegante que lo que viste normalmente. Esto refleja un respeto por el proceso e indica que estas haciendo un esfuerzo extra.
.Poco maaquillaje.
.Cabello limpio y recogido.
.Accesorios pequeños.
.Utilizar tonos neutros (negro, azul, blanco, gris)
.Viste de acuerdo a tu edad.
.Zapatos bajos, limpios y comodos.

lunes, 5 de septiembre de 2011

Edith Yessenia Aros Sosa
Calle: Juárez y Durango. Callejón Hidalgo # 17
Colonia: Centro
Tel: (645) 33 2 32 39
Cananea, Sonora

August 29, 2011
Maria Ana Melia
Maestra de Ingles
Instituto tecnologico superior de Cananea.

Miss :
He sido informada que hay un vacante en el departamente de ingles el cual es su area y le agradesere me considere ocupar dicha colocacion ya que he llevado 3 años de curso en la escuela secuandaria y 3 en preparatoria.
Me agradaria mucho trabajar para usted y dicho departamento con el proposito de mejorar lo que se y aprender cosas nuevas en beneficio a las lobores que usted impartira una vez ya seleccionada pues me considero una persona que le importa mucho aprender, puntual y respetuosa.
Agradesere que me tome en cuenta, a si tambien disculpe por la molestia que le ocasiono. Espero tener una pronta respuesta y reciba usted mi mas coordial saludo de antemano gracias.


Edith Yessenia Aros Sosa.